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Hello Spring!

Survive pollen season with Stylies air purifier

Hello Spring!

We call the good air that we breathe “fresh air” . It should be objectively clean – that is, it is free from impurities, free from pollen and as free as possible from dust particles and contains no substances that are harmful to health .

In addition, good air must also be perceived as pleasant , natural and fresh .

Even though the flowering period of hazel and alder is already over in February, reach its pollen in mild temperatures and dry weather There are still moderate levels of pollution throughout Switzerland . The ash trees are now beginning to bloom on the northern side of the Alps, but this is already more advanced south of the Alps. Stylies, air purifier Alpha, kitchen-more.ch

Plants that often cause pollen allergies:

  • Trees: birch, alder, ash, cedar, hazelnut, willow, plane tree, olive and hornbeam
  • Grasses: ryegrass and timothy grass
  • Weeds: ragweed, nettle, mugwort, goosefoot and sorrel

Do you know the symptoms of a pollen allergy?

  • Teary eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • asthma
  • Increased mucus production

Stylies, air purifier Alpha, kitchen-more.ch

Good to know

They still exist, the devices for clean air indoors. Now adjust the humidifier , set up the air purifier and in operation . It's worth it and promotes the feel-good effect in your home.

Tip for outdoors

Are you outside in nature , then enjoy the spring time, by wearing sunglasses . Sunglasses have two positive effects: they keep some of the pollen away from your eyes and they protect your possibly already irritated conjunctiva, which is more sensitive to light than usual during the allergic reaction.

No joke

Allergy sufferers can benefit from wearing a corona protective mask also provide relatively good protection against pollen. If the mouth and nose are covered by a mask, the amount of pollen inhaled will be significantly lower. This means that it is very likely that nasal and possibly bronchial symptoms can be alleviated.

The world's first air purifier with certified SARS-COV-2

Now it is available, the AIR PURIFIER with 100% FILTRATION RATE

Air purifier Alpha with 100% filtration rate - kitchen-more.ch

The new Stylies Alpha with a filtration rate of 100% is ready for market launch. The university laboratory CROP has confirmed that the new Stylies Alpha air purifier filters 100% of SARS-COV-2 viruses. Accordingly, all other particles that want to plague us also get caught in the filter.

Click here for the Stylies Alpha air purifier

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